Posts Tagged ‘chick-flick’

the big wedding 2013

Director: Justin Zackham

3 out of 5

A surprisingly fun chick-flick.

Synopsis: A long-divorced couple fakes being married as their family unites for a wedding.

Lay the Favorite 2012

Director: Stephen Frears

2 out of 5

Hard to get into at first but had a decent ending.


Synopsis: Beth, a Las Vegas cocktail waitress, falls in with Dink, a sports gambler who swoons for her as she proves to be something of a gambling prodigy, earning the initial ire of Dink’s wife, Tulip.


From the cover this looks like a chick-flick so I sat down to watch it with my wife. She lost interest in the first thirty minutes and we turned it off. I could not leave a film unfinished so went back and watched the rest on my own. It got better towards the end as mentioned above. I would not recommend this film.

Director: Kirk Jones

3 out of 5

Brings out the comedy in the good and the bad of parenting

Synopsis: A look at love through the eyes of five interconnected couples experiencing the thrills and surprises of having a baby, and ultimately coming to understand the universal truth that no matter what you plan for, life doesn’t always deliver what’s expected.

Director: Nicholas Stoller

3 out of 5

Pretty darn funny!

Synopsis: One year after meeting, Tom proposes to his girlfriend, Violet, but unexpected events keep tripping them up as they look to walk down the aisle together.

Director: Robert Luketic

2 out of 5

It was ‘ok’ like so many other films of its type. Nice easy Sunday watch.


Synopsis; A romantically challenged morning show producer is reluctantly embroiled in a series of outrageous tests…



Director: Rob Reiner

2 out of 5

Cheesy & predictable yet just about bearable.

Director: Ivan Reitman

4 out of 5

A lot funnier than I expected, I wouldn’t even consider it a chick-flick.

Director: Lone Scherfig

2 out of 5

Lovely as the film was my favourite part has to be the text graphics used for the dates, Is that a bad thing?

Directors:  Josh GordonWill Speck

4 out of 5

It wasn’t as ‘chick-flick’ as I expected. It turned out to be a very sweet and enjoyable movie.