Posts Tagged ‘Todd’

Kick-Ass 2 2013

Director: Jeff Wadlow

4 out of 5

Great fun but also really sad. I do love a good bit of superhero stuff!

Synopsis: The costumed high-school hero Kick-Ass joins with a group of normal citizens who have been inspired to fight crime in costume. Meanwhile, the Red Mist plots an act of revenge that will affect everyone Kick-Ass knows.

That's My Boy 2012

Director: Sean Anders

3 out of 5

I little over the top but funny in the end.


Synopsis: While in his teens, Donny fathered a son, Todd, and raised him as a single parent up until Todd’s 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd’s world comes crashing down when Donny resurfaces just before Todd’s wedding.

Director: Todd Phillips

3 out of 5

Why bring Alan… Really? After last time? – Very funny though!

Director: Todd Graff

2 out of 5

I don’t see how the ‘good guy’ can be so ‘bad’ and still come out winning?

Director: Todd Phillips

3 out of 5

Overall a funny film but some of the scenarios were a little annoying and predictable.