Posts Tagged ‘christian film’

Flywheel 2003

Director: Alex Kendrick

4 out of 5

I am glad I didn’t turn it off near the start. Great ending, I was in tears!


Synopsis: A dishonest used car salesman decides to become the salesman that God wants him to be – with surprising results.

Fireproof 2008

Director: Alex Kendrick

4 out of 5

If you can get over the cheese it has some great christian messages & marriage lessons.


Synopsis: In an attempt to save his marriage, A firefighter uses a 40-day experiment known as “The Love Dare”.

facing the giants

Director: Alex Kendrick

4 out of 5

It you can get over the cheese of the first few minutes it has some brilliant Christian messages.


Synopsis: A losing coach with an underdog football team faces their giants of fear and failure on and off the field to surprising results.